Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Song of Solomon 1:9 To me, my darling, you are like My mare among the chariots of Pharaoh

Many translations of this verse use the word filly or horse instead of a mare, but I believe the Hebrew word is most accurately translated as mare. The word is significant because a mare is a mature female horse, over the age of three, where a filly would imply a younger horse. The Beloved compares His bride to a mare; He sees our heart to be completely His and though we are not walking in full maturity in our relationship with Him right now, He does not call us weak and immature as we are progressing in love. Also, mares were used in preference both for riding and for chariots in the East. They are much swifter, stronger, endure more hardship, and will go longer without food, than either the stallion or the gelding. Our Beloved compares us to the mare because of her strength; He acknowledges our victories over sin and He sees every offering and sacrifice we make to conquer the flesh. But He does not compare us to just any mare, but to those among Pharaoh’s chariots. These horses were the finest in the entire world; they were a select company, costly, and well taken care of. They were trained for war and trained to carry the King himself!

Previously in verse 6, the Bride stated that she had not taken care of her own vineyard; she felt weak and realized she had left the place of her first love. Now the Beloved is affirming her calling her “My darling” or “My love.” He speaks with love to her heart, affirming that He sees her differently than she sees herself. Our Beloved sees the desire in our heart to love Him, and even though we stumble at times He sees the “yes” in our heart. He does not call us immature and weak, but instead He speaks to us according to what He sees we are becoming. He sees our sincere and strong desire to follow Him. It is the Lord himself who compares us; it does not matter what men think or even how we feel about ourselves, but when we are affirmed by the Lover of our soul it has a powerful effect on our heart and causes us to rise in strength and walk as His beautiful bride. It is the passion of His love for us that gives us strength, boldness, and courage as we learn to run on the mountains with Him. It is the passion of His love that has caused individuals through the centuries to stand unwavering in their faith, singing songs of praise, while being persecuted and martyred. Love is as strong as death!

When you are feeling discouraged in your walk with the Lord and when the enemy reminds you of your shortcomings, failures, weakness, and immaturity, remember the words He speaks over you. He speaks to you with affection, calling you His love. He sees the sincere desires of your heart to know and follow Him. He knows you are becoming a mature, faithful Bride who will be His companion for all eternity. He calls you strong, costly, chosen, trained for war, and trained in righteousness to carry His presence. His very Spirit lives within you!

Devotional Prayer
Lord, I love the way You love me! Your love sets me free to love You more and more. Your love sets me free from judgments and opinions of other; Your opinion is really all that matters. Your love sets me free from self condemnation when I feel like a failure; You don’t see me as weak, immature and a failure, but You see me as what I will be – Your glorious Bride! Thank You that You know the desire in my heart to be completely Yours, and that my desire for You has captured Your heart!