Friday, June 24, 2011

Song of Solomon 1:10 – Your cheeks are lovely with ornaments...

The cheeks, as referenced in the Song of Solomon, speak of our emotions. What we are experiencing inwardly, such as joy, love, sadness, anger, stress, etc… can be seen through our emotions and is reflected in our countenance. There are an array of emotion, both good and bad, that can lead to a change in our mental and physiological state, like our heart rate and breathing. These emotions can also have an effect on our physical appearance. Here in the Song of the Bridegroom, He affirms the loveliness of the bride’s cheeks which reflect her inward state of lovesickness for her Beloved. She has experienced the kisses of His affections, the pleasing fragrance of His emotions, and brought into His chambers where she has encountered Him in deep intimacy. He alone nourishes, sustains and satisfies her. The bride is confident in His love for her, which has caused her to cease from striving. The Bridegroom is pleased with His bride’s confidence in His love; her countenance radiates with the joy and delight she experiences in Him. Our emotions are attractive to God!

When we know and experience the love that God has lavished upon us, our spirit is revived, our soul is restored, and our mind is renewed. The inward manifestation of His love as it touches our being is expressed through our cheeks. The Bridegroom also states that her cheeks are lovely with ornaments. Ornaments are created by the skillful work of an artist to beautify its objects. These ornaments are the spiritual gifts and graces which Jesus imparts to His beloved ones. We are made beautiful through God’s splendor which He bestows upon us, He says we are exceeding in beauty and advanced to royalty, (Ezek.16:13-14). We are His workmanship, a new creation, and partakers of the divine nature, holy and beloved!

Throughout the New Testament we are exhorted to rejoice always, and Paul says the Kingdom is righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit, (Rom.14:17). It is interesting how many times the book of Acts states that the disciples where continually filled with joy, yet as we read of their lives they were also under constant persecution. When we experience the deep love and affections of our Beloved we will overflow with a joy that will be evident through our countenance, even in the midst of our daily trials. Our emotions will reflect the inner communion of His Spirit within us, and these emotions beautify us as we reflect His glory.

Devotional Prayer
Thank You Lord, that You look upon me and see beauty! I thank You that You have adorned me with Your splendor, glory and beauty. It is Your touch upon my heart that has ravished me, and enflames my heart to love you more and more every day. Your love touches every part of my being causing my emotions to reflect Your goodness, mercies, and kindness. You have made me lovely in Your sight; O how You delight in me to call me Your bride!

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